Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farmers Science center), Baramati was established on 1st August 1992 under the affiliation ICAR. From 1992 to 2008, the operational area of KVK was whole Pune district, but after the establishment of new KVK in the Pune district, the operational area is reduced to the 7 tehsils of Pune district.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati is Model, Hi-tech & National Award winning KVK of India working for farming community since 30+ years for the development of sustainable agriculture.
The aim of Krishi Vigyan Kendra is to reduce the time lag between the technology transfer from research institutions to the farmers field for increasing production, productivity and income from the agriculture and allied sectors on a sustained basis.
The vision of the KVK is: To be the leading resource and knowledge centre of Agricultural technology for the upliftment of the farming community.
The Mission is : To deliver demand driven agricultural products and services by qualified professionals.
What we do

Functional Objectives
1. To plan and conduct survey of the operational area through Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods and characterize physical and human resources
with special reference to identifying the technological and training needs of the
farming community.
2. To compile all relevant recommendations/ packages of practices for the district to
be meaningfully utilized in the training programmes and the follow up extension
3. To plan and conduct production oriented and need-based short and long duration
training courses both on the campus as well as in the villages for various target
groups with priority on the resource poor sections.
4. To Organize Farm Science Clubs in order to inculcate in the younger generations
a specific temper and an interest on agriculture and allied sciences and for
scientific farming through supervised individual and group projects.
5. To develop and maintain the campus farms and demonstrations units on scientific
lines as the facilities for providing work experience to the trainees, dissemination
of the latest technologies and also as a means to achieve financial sustainability in
due course of time
6. To provide practical training facilities of the Kendra to the teachers and the
students of vocational agriculture of the higher secondary schools.
7. To provide added training facilities of the area for home making and nutrition
education for rural communities and gradually enlarging the training facilities to
encompass other important area such as home/rural crafts and cottage industries
with the requirements of the integrated rural development in collaboration with
the concerned organizations
8. To implement all such schemes of the ICAR and other related organizations which
intend to strengthen the training and technology dissemination programmes as
well as follow-up extension activities of the Kendra.
9. To undertake on-farm testing of the technologies developed by the National
Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) in agriculture and allied fields for their
suitability and identifying constrains.
10. To demonstrate the potentialities of various technologies recommend for adoption in
to maximize yield per unit time and area under different resource conditions.
The mandate of KVK is Technology Assessment and Demonstration for its Application and Capacity Development.
• To implement the mandate effectively, the following activities are envisaged for each KVK
1. On-farm testing to assess the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.2. Frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of technologies on the farmers’ fields.
3. Capacity development of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies.
4. To work as Knowledge and Resource Centre of agricultural technologies for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector in improving the agricultural economy of the district.
5. Provide farm advisories using ICT and other media means on varied subjects of interest to farmers
• In addition, KVKs produce quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio-agents, livestock) and make it available to farmers, organize frontline extension activities, identify and document selected farm innovations and converge with ongoing schemes and programs within the mandate of KVK.

• Creation of valuable resources in terms of manpower and assets
• Confirmation of technologies to suit local specificity
• Showcasing the frontier technologies
• Capacity building among stakeholders
• Front runner in technological application, information and inputs
• Participatory approaches in planning, implementing, executing & evaluation