In Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Baramati1500 Sq.ft area Pack house is constructed.
The main objective of Pack house is to packaging and grading of Fruits, flowers & vegetables produced on KVK farm &Polyhouses.
Also providing training to the farmer’s regarding standard structure of pack house and also standard packaging of Fruits, Vegetables & flower crops.
Modern Dairy farm of 100 Cows capacity
Dairy farmers in Pune districts conventionally tied up their animal for 24 hours on concrete flooring there is increased incidence of mastitis, leg injuries, Indigestion, and acidosis in crossbred HF cows.
To overcome these problems arising from the conventional method of animal rearing KVK has introduced the Modern loose loosing system.
By seeing this Modern loose Housing System at Agricultural Development Trust, Baramati.
More than 200 farmers were adopted this system first time in the area .Due to which Incidence of mastitis reduced by 90% , increase in milk production by 16 % , fat content by 12% and production of FYM increased by 36 %.
By seeing the success of these technology more than 95000 dairy farmers from Maharashtra and other state has visited Modern loose housing system model developed by KVK, Baramati .
There is horizontal and vertical spread of This Technology from farmer to farmers. More than 886 Dairy Entrepreneurs from 23 State have participated in the KVK, programme on modern dairy farm management and visited loose housing system of Agricultural Development Trust, KVK, and Baramati.
Silage unit - Large Scale silage making unit of 800Tone capacity is available so all dairy animal are maintained on silage, no green fodder is given to crossbred Animals and sheep goats.
Milk processing unit: - For clean milk production herringbone type milk parlor of 2 x 3 type is available for milking .
To maintain the quality of milk bulk milk cooler is available for storage of milk.
Fresh cow milk is pasteurized and supplied to staff and students of Agricultural Development Trust, Baramati.
Milk processing unit for milk pasteurization is established in year 2015-2016.